Sunday, December 11, 2011


The Optimist says the glass is half-full. . .

The Pessimist says the glass is half-empty. . .

The Engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. . .


Among Roman Catholics, today is popularly called Gaudete Sunday (because Catholics like to be all high-falutin' and throw Latin words around all the time, an' stuff; 'gaudete' just means 'rejoice'), the Third Sunday of Advent; the 'rejoicing' being because Advent is (at least) half-over, and it's all downhill to Christmas (so to speak).

Our family traditionally procures our Christmas tree on Gaudete weekend, although we might not set it up for a few days (if it's cold enough outside, we'll just stash it behind the garage), and we won't decorate it until it's at least less than a week 'til Christmas.

But - it's gettin' close. . .


  1. I have never heard of that, Craig!

    How long do you leave the tree up? I would think that only having it up for 2 weeks is not worth the trouble! But that's the Grinch in me.

    But yes, do REJOICE, the Savior has come.

    Word Veri: dojoyant

  2. We stashed ours in the back yesterday... with the sawn end in a tub of water, which by my calculations is a tub of ice this morning.

  3. Lime - Certus!

    Bijoux - You learn somethin' new every day. . .

    We typically leave our tree up until Epiphany (Jan 6), so it's up between 2.5-3 weeks. . .

    Today's homily focused on Christ's coming again in glory, which is the 'other' meaning of Advent - 'So be found ready when He returns'. . .

    Skip - Ingenious. We haven't been above freezing for a couple days, ourselves. . .

  4. Queenie always wants the tree the weekend after Thanksgiving but since I'm the only one who cares for it (and the only one who is seemingly capable of getting one) I wait until this same weekend most years. We was outta town this year so still no tree... whatcha gonna do?

  5. Our tree (the bright shiny new silver one that I couldn't get a photo of the other day) is up, but we won't actually decorate until this weekend. Like you, we keep it up until after Epiphany.

  6. Xavier - A couple times, we've gotten stuck scrounging the leftovers a few days before Christmas. But hey, they were really cheap. . .

    Suldog - As of today, our tree is still out behind the shed. I suppose we should bring it in before too much longer. . .

    And. . . (*fist bump*) Epiphany! That's what I'm talkin' about. . .

  7. BTW- The engineer's got it all wrong. They always forget about slosh-allowance when it comes to drinking ... 'specially as the night wears on.

  8. Xavier - Picky, picky, picky. . .
