Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Follow the Science. . .

 A brief note for my well-intentioned friends who are ever-so-solicitous of my health and well-being (and who aren't, to my knowledge, among my regular readers). . .

The reason people get vaccinated is to induce their bodies to produce the antibodies which will fight off the disease, and (hopefully) prevent the disease from taking hold in the patient's body.  By whatever means, high-tech or otherwise, a replica of the actual virus is introduced into the patient's body, so the patient's immune system will respond, producing antibodies to fight off the replicated virus, which will (hopefully) be sufficient to fight off the actual virus, should it come to take up residence in the patient's body.  So - the vaccine is all about the antibodies.  Clear?

Now, if my body already has the requisite antibodies, I don't need a vaccine to induce my body to produce them.  And the antibodies which are circulating through my bloodstream were produced by contact with the actual virus, not a replica of it.  So, I maintain that my situation is no worse, and quite likely better, than if I'd been vaccinated.

In 'political' terms (and you all know just how very much I love talking about politics), when those in charge go about counting who is and who isn't immunized, I maintain that natural immunity should count at least as much as (and probably more than) immunity induced by a vaccine.

Please don't misunderstand - I'm not telling anyone else what s/he should or shouldn't do with regard to being vaccinated, and I have no quarrel with anyone who has been vaccinated, especially if they haven't had the virus; I'm emphatically NOT anti-vax.  But if I've had the virus, I have the antibodies, and vaccination is superfluous.  It's like getting a flu shot after you've had the flu.

So, my very earnest friends, I'm touched by your very deep concern and solicitude for my health and well-being, I really am.  But honestly - I'm good.