Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Follow the Science. . .

 A brief note for my well-intentioned friends who are ever-so-solicitous of my health and well-being (and who aren't, to my knowledge, among my regular readers). . .

The reason people get vaccinated is to induce their bodies to produce the antibodies which will fight off the disease, and (hopefully) prevent the disease from taking hold in the patient's body.  By whatever means, high-tech or otherwise, a replica of the actual virus is introduced into the patient's body, so the patient's immune system will respond, producing antibodies to fight off the replicated virus, which will (hopefully) be sufficient to fight off the actual virus, should it come to take up residence in the patient's body.  So - the vaccine is all about the antibodies.  Clear?

Now, if my body already has the requisite antibodies, I don't need a vaccine to induce my body to produce them.  And the antibodies which are circulating through my bloodstream were produced by contact with the actual virus, not a replica of it.  So, I maintain that my situation is no worse, and quite likely better, than if I'd been vaccinated.

In 'political' terms (and you all know just how very much I love talking about politics), when those in charge go about counting who is and who isn't immunized, I maintain that natural immunity should count at least as much as (and probably more than) immunity induced by a vaccine.

Please don't misunderstand - I'm not telling anyone else what s/he should or shouldn't do with regard to being vaccinated, and I have no quarrel with anyone who has been vaccinated, especially if they haven't had the virus; I'm emphatically NOT anti-vax.  But if I've had the virus, I have the antibodies, and vaccination is superfluous.  It's like getting a flu shot after you've had the flu.

So, my very earnest friends, I'm touched by your very deep concern and solicitude for my health and well-being, I really am.  But honestly - I'm good.


  1. I'm not sure if science at this point has determined that by virtue of recovering from the virus that you are immune from getting it again. Common sense and all we know from other diseases would say you are probably correct. Science has also not yet determined if the vaccine after recovering from the virus is completely safe...more than likely it is and I have not heard any cases where it has been harmful. If I were in your position I think I would not get the vaccine, at least not this year.

    Stay healthy my friend.

    1. Staying healthy is my plan. . .

      "Science has not yet determined. . ."
      See, there's an awful lot of stuff being put out as if it were clear and settled, when it's nothing like 'clear and settled'. And so, folks like me just take what we know and do what we think is best. As we always have. . .

  2. I don’t envy being in your position. The ‘authorities’ are definitely pushing the vaccine to those already infected. There’s no doubt they are just guessing that there’s a possibility of reinfection, but they just don’t know. There’s still talk about a booster, possibly yearly. Only time will tell.

    I’m sure it’s annoying to be constantly badgered about it!

    1. It is certainly annoying; but I'm holding my own. ;)

      "They just don't know." See what I said to Joe above. . .

      The governess and her minions are telling us that they'll lift all the restrictions once 70% of the state is immunized (mighty nice of 'em, dontcha think?). Right now, the state is more than 60% immunized. but they don't count 'naturally immunized' folks like me; if they did, we'd already be well over 70%. It comes to seem manipulative and dishonest. . .

  3. BINGO BANGO BONGO!! Hit that right on the head, science is now requires the suspension of fact and adoption of fiction.

    Here in this little old institution they have many, many COVID safety rules many of which conflict so seriously as to cause a higher likely hood of transmission.

    In general here in the State of Evil the money and power garnered by promotion of vaccine over natural have made natural immunity a bad thing rather than the truth which is that immunity gained by natural means is typically SUPERIOR to vaccine immunity, not inferior. Queenie and I both still (even with Leukemia) have piles of COVID antibodies coursing through our veins as verified by multiple blood tests that we can show proof of yet EVERY institution that has exceptions for vaccinated treats us like the unclean still. Even this Hospital acts as though I'm fertile Merle and takes extra precautions around me that they would not had I come in vaccinated.

    Dumb, Dumber, Dumbererer, none comes close to the brain damage of real life. But I'm not bitter ..... now where's that damn mask??

    1. I can't improve on what you've said here. . .

      It reminds me of an old Star Trek TNG episode (season 6, episodes 10-11, if you wanna look it up), where Picard is captured and interrogated by Cardassians. He is shown a display of four lights, and given electric shocks if he doesn't agree with the interrogator that there are five lights. He resolutely affirms that "There are four lights" even as the punishment increases.

      It's bizarre, but more and more, the culture is telling us there are five lights, expecting us to agree. But. . .


    2. Hey, I remember that episode. Indeed, our man Fauci is the perfect example of the technique .....
